First Choice Heating & Cooling Blog: Archive for August, 2022

Why Your AC Won’t Shut Off

Monday, August 15th, 2022

air-conditioner-plastic-grillWhen it’s hot, you want your air conditioning system to run for as long as necessary to get your house cool. There is such a thing as too long, however! Air conditioners are designed to run in cycles where the compressor comes on for 15–20 minutes and then cycles down until the thermostat registers the need for more cooling. If you start to notice that your AC never seems to cycle down or the fan runs continuously, you may need to have air conditioning repair in Brighton, MI

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Signs Your AC’s Compressor May Be in Trouble

Monday, August 1st, 2022

compressor-in-ac-unitThe second half of summer often places major strain on home air conditioning systems. The heat increases and forces more work from an AC that’s already done plenty of it. Routine maintenance in spring goes a long way to helping an air conditioner make it through this time of the year, but maintenance isn’t magic. We recommend you pay attention to strange behavior from your AC at the end of summer and call us for air conditioning repair in Burton, MI when anything crops up.

For example, a part of your AC that can encounter problems from wear and tear at the end of the season is the compressor. This is the most vital part of an air conditioning system because if it fails, it’s often more cost-effective to replace the entire AC rather than just the compressor. If you catch compressor issues in time, our technicians may be able to rescue it with less expensive repairs.

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