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First Choice Heating & Cooling Blog

Noisy Furnace at the End of the Season?

furnace-flamesIt’s probably going to be the last month you will run your furnace for a good long while. You have a few more days left, and it’s easy to think that it doesn’t matter much if the furnace isn’t working as well as it usually does.

However, no matter when you need to have heater repair in Grand Blanc, MI, it’s important to have it scheduled as soon as possible—no matter how close the warmer weather may be. In the case of a gas furnace (which is what you probably have) allowing the heater to run without a malfunction can potentially be dangerous.

One problem people often encounter with a furnace at the end of the heating season is odd noises coming from it. Or just more noise than usual. It’s never a positive sign to have a noisy furnace, so when you hear more of a racket coming from the heater this spring, please call our technicians ASAP to have them look into it and have the problem remedied.

What These Noises Might Mean

It’s hard to nail down specifically what a sound from a furnace might be warning you about, because there a multiple possibilities. This is why it’s important to have HVAC technicians do the investigating; they can pinpoint the specific reasons for the sounds.

Rattling is a common noise from a troubled furnace. This can sometimes be a simple issue—the door on the cabinet is loose. But if it’s not the cabinet door, it often indicates a part has come loose inside the blower and is knocking around. This needs to be fixed quickly, otherwise it can damage the blower fan or the whole blower assembly.

Shrieking, as in the mechanical kind, is a warning that the bearings in the motors are running down. These bearings are what prevents motor friction from causing the motor to burn out. If you have professionals replace the bearings, you can save the motor.

Grinding is the sound of a motor that is burning out. It will probably need to have a professional replace it.

Clicking when the furnace is trying to start up often means a problem with ignition. If this is often followed by a booming sound, it means too much unburned gas is building up in the combustion chamber, then lighting all at once. If you hear the clicking sound after the blower motor turns off, it’s a major warning of a cracked heat exchanger. This is potentially dangerous, so please shut off the furnace and the gas line and call for professionals.

The Super-Noisy Furnace Could Be Ready to Retire

An overall racket from a furnace is one way for the furnace to tell you it needs to be replaced. If the furnace is more than 15 years old, we strongly recommend you call us to arrange for a replacement. Our technicians can help you make the choice with a thorough system inspection. Having a new furnace put in during the spring is easy to schedule!

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