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First Choice Heating & Cooling Blog

Why Your Heater Is Costing More to Run at the End of Winter


As winter starts to head toward its end, many homeowners may notice an unexpected spike in their heating bills. After the previous months with a steady monthly utility bill, this sudden change can feel disconcerting. Some people might just ignore it, but we’re glad you’ve taken the time to seek some information about this switch in your heating bills.

In this blog, we’ll explore the reasons why your heater might be costing more to run at the end of winter, shedding light on common issues. We’re the HVAC company in Brighton, MI you can count on for any service that will get your heater back in the best shape.

Seasonal Impact on Heating Costs

As winter transitions into spring, the weather can often be erratic. While daytime temperatures may rise, chilly nights still persist. Winter temperatures can also come flooding back in early spring. These fluctuations put an extra burden on your heating system, requiring it to work harder as it turns on and off more frequently. As a result, the increased workload translates to higher energy consumption and subsequently, elevated heating costs. However, those costs might still seem too high, in which case you’ll have to look at other possibilities…

Lack of Maintenance

One of the primary culprits behind escalating heating expenses is the lack of regular maintenance. Homeowners often overlook routine upkeep, leading to various issues that compromise the efficiency of the heating system. Dirty or clogged filters, malfunctioning thermostats, and neglected pilot lights are common problems that, when unaddressed, contribute to increased energy consumption. Regular maintenance is crucial for ensuring optimal performance and energy efficiency—and we recommend you have it done each year.

Wear and Tear

Winter and use take a toll on heating systems. The constant operation, especially during harsh weather conditions, leads to wear and tear. Components may deteriorate, affecting the overall efficiency of the system. If not addressed promptly, wear and tear can result in increased energy consumption, making your heater less cost-effective. Timely repairs and replacements are essential to maintaining the longevity and efficiency of your heating system.

Skipped Heating Repair

Skipping necessary heating repairs can have a direct impact on your energy bills. Small issues, when ignored, can escalate into larger problems that demand more energy to operate. From faulty ignition systems to ignored pilot light issues, each overlooked repair contributes to a decline in energy efficiency, making your heater more expensive to run.

Aging Heating Systems

As heating systems age, they naturally become less efficient. Older models may struggle to provide the same level of warmth without consuming more energy. If your heating system has been in use for a considerable time, it might be worthwhile to consider upgrading to a more energy-efficient model. While the initial investment may seem daunting, the long-term savings on energy bills can outweigh the costs.

You may feel tempted to push aside the higher cost of heating at the end of the winter, proposing to do something about it later. Don’t let the approach of warmer weather trick you into thinking this! By taking active measures, you can not only save on energy expenses but also extend the lifespan of your heating system. Don’t let the end of winter leave you with a hefty heating bill: invest in the well-being of your heating system for long-term cost savings.

First Choice Heating & Cooling serves Fenton and the surrounding areas. If your home had a voice … it would call First Choice!

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