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Pros and Cons of Electric Furnaces vs. Gas Furnaces

You have so many options available when it comes to heating your home. While many homes rely on gas furnaces, they’re not necessarily the top choice anymore. Other HVAC machines are constantly improving and contending with combustion-based heating, like the electric furnace.

You likely have a ton of questions about getting an electric furnace in Fenton, so today we’re going to pit it against the age-old gas-powered furnace and try to answer the question: which one is better?

Gas Furnace: Pros and Cons

First, let’s look at the reigning champion of home heating across the United States: the gas furnace. It’s not perfect, but it’s reliable for a reason. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons.


  • Cost-Effective Heating: While there are some safety concerns, a combustion-based heater is almost always cheaper than running an electric heater.
  • Works in Extreme Cold: Electric furnaces can’t match the raw heat output of a combustion-based furnace when you get into seriously freezing, single-digit temperatures.
  • Long-Lasting: A gas furnace is supposed to last you for 10–15 years, though you’ll find many anecdotes both online and from your friends and family about their furnace lasting for 20+ years with proper maintenance.


  • Safety Concerns: Gas furnaces produce a byproduct called carbon monoxide, which is potentially fatal even in small doses. It’s also hard to detect unless you’re a trained HVAC technician.
  • More to Maintain: Gas furnaces have more working parts than electric furnaces, so there’s more that has to be maintained during annual maintenance appointments. That’s also more components that can break down on you.

Electric Furnace: Pros and Cons

While they’re not as new as you might think, electric furnaces certainly have a lot to punch up to if they want to be better than gas furnaces in every way. These are the nuances you need to know before jumping to an electric heater.


  • Energy Efficiency: Electric heaters have a 100% AFUE rating, meaning they turn 100% of the power they consume into heat. That’s simply not possible with a combustion-based heater.
  • Safety: There’s zero risk of carbon monoxide poisoning because it’s not a byproduct of the electric heating process.
  • Less to Maintain: While electric furnaces have their fair share of components, there’s less going on (and less to maintain) than a gas furnace.


  • Heat Output: Electric furnaces don’t operate as well as combustion-based heaters do in extreme cold.
  • Operating Cost: The reason everyone hasn’t switched to an electric furnace is because it can be a little more expensive to run one over a gas furnace.

The Choice is Up to You

Now that you know what both types of heating have to offer, what safety concerns you need to keep in mind, and how they stand to benefit you, it’s time to make your choice. Whichever you prefer, we’re here to install your ideal system and help keep your home warm and cozy throughout the year.

Contact us today to schedule your electric furnace installation as soon as possible. If your home had a voice … it would call First Choice!

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